My Life
I was born in California, Orange County, June 28, 2006. We lived in the desert so there wasn't much for little kid me to do. So I would play Plants Vs Zombies and DOOM I & II on my grandma's ancient computer and playing Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64 on the Nintendo 64. I loved those games so much as a child that I still pull inspiration for my music for those very games.
When I turned 9, my family moved to North Idaho. For my birthday, my mother bought me a Xbox 360, with a game called "Alice Madness Returns" and "Minecraft". Still my favorite games to this day.
When 2020 hit, I was 14. That summer I stayed inside my house, I had no other communication to anyone except on the internet with my laptop or phone. So since I was stuck inside, I decided to write stories, over and over again. I showed one of my friends, and they asked whether if I wanted to part of the Video Game Development Team for writing. I agreed and I became part of the team
The team ended up falling apart, but I volunteered to create the music, even though I had no idea how to do so, and I didn't even know the difference between treble and Bass. But because I volunteered, when the school year started, I decided to take Music Theory classes in high school.

I was then dragged into the rabbit hole, for the next 4 years of high school, I would do nothing but study music. It quickly became my life cause before I had no social life and only played video games. I surrounded myself with talented people and I quickly excelled and I became one of the best musicians of Priest River Lamanna Highschool, playing the bass for several programs
Sadly, I wasn't able to graduate high school, however, this doesn't stop me from working hard in life and always trying to improve myself.
My love for making music is now for creating music for Games and Media. I want a child to play a game, and then when the grow up, to be nostalgic about my music, just like how I am for my childhood games.